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Value Stream Mapping and A3 Thinking Training

If you are interested in obtaining Lean Certification, please contact us at info@catalystconnection.org for details and assistance.

Value Stream Mapping Training is a practical, powerful tool for uncovering waste and prioritizing improvements that support reductions in lead time and cost. It will allow your team to create a game plan for attaining smoother, more efficient flow of material and information.

Catalyst Connection will facilitate the mapping for identifying operational waste in the form of excess motion of people and product, overproduction, excess inventory, defects, over-processing and waiting.  The methodology is as follows:

  • Illustrate the Process Flow – Define and illustrate the current product realization process from order entry to shipment of product.
  • Identify Waste – Once the process flow is illustrated, identify waste in each process step
  • Key Performance Metrics – Where waste is identified, identify key performance indicators that will predict when waste is becoming excessive; emphasize the identification of defects and waiting time.
  • Assist and create a Future State and Potential Improvement Plans – Once the process flow is illustrated, the wastes are identified, and the key performance indicators are determined, re-design the processes to eliminate or significantly reduce waste; introduce lean and six sigma tools where appropriate.

The output of the implementation assistance will include the following:

  • A “Current State” Map
  • Process Flow mapping to determine best way to pull production through the facility.
  • A  report out of findings and recommended improvements.
  • An Improvement Plan to achieve the “future state”, that is tied to measurable improvements, such as increased throughput and reduced lead time.


Learning this proven approach for planning and structuring improvement activities will enable you to maximize team participation, set realistic goals, measure improvements, and implement controls.


Who Should Attend

Manufacturing managers, team leaders, and team members charged with improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations.



February 20
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Event Category:
1 Day


JARI Center
160 Jari Drive
Johnstown, PA 15904 United States
+ Google Map

WEDnet Eligible Training

Learn how the WEDnet Grant could help qualified businesses pay for this training.

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