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Your Leadership Journey

Your Leadership Journey Course Overview

Making the transition from individual contributor to leader is both exciting and challenging. Unfortunately, we often promote individuals based on their hard work, and they struggle because being a leader is a career change, not just a slight shift in the work they do. Learn how you can take charge of your leadership journey!

This course arms a new or prospective leader with the knowledge and skills they need to confront the challenges they face early in their leader career. The course encourages the learner to think about the transitions that newer leaders face and how to handle those challenges. They are introduced to three leadership differentiators that are most important to building a positive reputation as well as contributing to the organization’s success.

Participants of Your Leadership Journey will learn how to:

  • Reduce the stress associated with the shift to leading others.
  • Act with authenticity to build trust.
  • Bring out the best in others to enhance engagement and capacity.
  • Look for and accept feedback with grace.



Each web-based course is self-paced, and takes approximately 2 hours to complete.