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Manufacturers’ Reps & Distributor Management E-Learning Series

Many companies rely on independent reps and distributors to identify opportunities, develop new business and manage existing accounts. The problem is, they don’t always perform as expected. If this has been your experience, you are not alone. These are challenging relationships. Building an effective rep or distributor network that brings in new sales takes hard work … but it is possible.

During this three-part E-Learning Series, you will learn best practices and lessons learned for building and managing a manufacturers’ rep and distributor network. This is a soup to nuts E-Learning Series. You will learn how to find and select the best channel partner for your particular business and products, sales tools to speed the learning curve, and tips for managing your channel network to ensure its effectiveness. You will also learn how to evaluate and improve existing networks. Between each lesson, attendees will be tasked with reviewing a case study and developing a strategy to address the situation described.

Lesson 1:  How to Identify the Best Channel Partners

Lesson 2:  Improving Performance through On Boarding and Support

Lesson 3:  Best Practices for Managing Channel Partners and Tips to Overcome Problems

Each session will run 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Benefits of Attending:

Participants will learn how to:

  • Lesson 1: What type of Channel Partners are the best fit for your Company and offerings. How to identify and evaluate Channel Candidates. Considerations when negotiating a contract with Channel Partners.
  • Lesson 2: Best practices to on-board new Channel Partners. Tools and tips to motivate and manage Partners. Tips to optimize Channel Partner performance.
  • Lesson 3: How best-in-class companies manage Channel Partners. How to build a strong relationship with your Channel Partners. Working with Channel Partners … what works and what doesn’t.


  • $30  for each Individual Session
  • $75 discounted price if you register for the 3-part series

Once you register, you will receive the information to log into the virtual sessions.

About the Presenter

Connie Palucka, Vice President Consulting has over 20 years of industry experience building and managing global networks of manufacturers’ reps and distributors. She has built new networks from scratch and turned existing networks around so that order takers became active hunters who generated significant revenue. During this E-Learning Series, she will share best practices and lessons learned.