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Driving Change

Change in the Workplace

In today’s complex and competitive environment, it’s no surprise that 70 percent of workplace change initiatives fail. For workplace change initiatives to be successful, organizations need leaders who are able to turn resistance into commitment and inspire team members to take ownership of change.

This course provides the skills and resources leaders need to accelerate the process of implementing change with their team members and to create an agile work environment where people are more open to change.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Accelerate the process of making change happen.
  • Minimize the potential negative effects change can have on productivity, morale, and collaboration.
  • Turn resistance into commitment and inspire team members to take ownership of change.
  • Clearly communicate the business rationale and benefits of change for the team and the organization.


Each web-based course is self-paced, and takes approximately 2 hours to complete.