Catalyst Connection Awarded $4.8 million in Federal Build Back Better Regional Challenge
Grant will be used to expand robotics and autonomous systems technology to small and medium employers in Southwestern Pennsylvania On September 2, President Biden announced the Southwestern Pennsylvania New Economy Collaborative as one winner of the $1 billion Build Back Better Regional Challenge. Catalyst Connection will lead the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Robotics Expansion project. The SME Robotics Expansion Project will help SMEs adopt advanced manufacturing and digital…
Read MoreCatalyst Connection Announces CMfgA Training Program
The Certified Manufacturing Associate training program helps prepare dislocated workers, underemployed individuals, veterans, and more start a new career in manufacturing. The 25-class online training program from Tooling U-SME can be bundled with the nationally recognized Certified Manufacturing Associate credential. This training program prepares individuals for high-demand, entry-level careers including assemblers, manufacturing associates, and production operators. It can also be used by manufacturers as an effective onboarding program for…
Read MoreRecap: Digital Transformation for Manufacturing
Digital Transformation, like so many other terms in the Industry 4.0 buzz word bingo wheel, can easily get lost in translation and be dismissed as another “sounds neat, but not realistic for me” technology topic. The panel discussion held on March 24th at the Pittsburgh Technology Council offices at Nova Place, showed that it was anything but. The session was sold out with over sixty manufacturers and technology and…
Read MorePennsylvania Manufacturing Advisory Council Seeks Input From Manufacturers
The Pennsylvania Manufacturing Advisory Council was formed last year as a public-private consortium. Its goal is to provide the Commonwealth’s legislative leaders and leading gubernatorial candidates with policy, program and legislative priority recommendations that will enhance the competitiveness of Pennsylvania’s nearly 15,000 manufacturing firms and their 585,000 employees. The Council has heard from more than 130 PA-based manufacturers through roundtables, town halls and other venues and now wants to hear…
Read MoreRussia-Ukraine Crisis: Supply Chain Questions Every Manufacturer Should Consider
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and sanctions imposed on it for doing so, threatens to rock global supply chains that have already been strained by COVID-19. Many companies are being forced to rethink how they source materials. Those who currently source from this region have been forced to move operations or switch suppliers. But it’s not just supplies normally sourced from Russia and Ukraine that are at risk.…
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