
Coaching as a Catalyst for Transformation


Coaching, as a powerful tool in the hands of skilled professionals, has the ability to unlock an individual's potential and accelerate their progress through each stage of intentional change. Here's how coaching can have a transformative impact on employees: Enhancing Self-Awareness: Through deep listening, open-ended questioning, and constructive feedback, coaches help individuals gain a clearer understanding of their strengths, values, and blind spots. This self-awareness serves as a solid…

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Unleashing the Power of Intentional Change Theory: How Coaching Transforms Employees


In today's rapidly evolving corporate landscape, organizations recognize that their most valuable asset is their people. With the increasing emphasis on employee engagement, development, and well-being, businesses are turning to innovative approaches to unlock their employees' full potential. One such approach that has gained significant traction is the power of Intentional Change Theory (ICT) combined with the transformative impact of coaching. In this blog post, we delve into the…

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Convergence of IT & OT is Critical to Helping Manufacturers Optimize Productivity


Increasing cost pressures are forcing companies to use scarce resources more efficiently than ever. At the same time, computing power is becoming stronger, which makes access to Big Data (large data sets that can be analyzed using computers to reveal patterns and trends) easier and less expensive. This perfect storm of needing to get more bang for the buck as more mission-critical quantitative information becomes available necessitates that Information…

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MFG Works Summit 2023 Recap


This past Wednesday, May 24th, Catalyst Connection hosted the second annual MFG Works Summit at St. Vincent College. 200+ attendees participated in the Summit to learn industry best practices on the topics of: Candidate Experience & On-Boarding Best Practices Talent Attraction Hiring – Best Practices + Hiring Those with Barriers Post-Secondary Education And More Our Keynote Speaker, Ryan Jenkins, Wall Street Journal bestselling leadership author, kicked the day off and provided…

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Increase Engagement with Current, Prospective Employees


By Dave Mastovich, MASSolutions According to surveys from ADP Research Institute conducted BEFORE the pandemic, only 18% of respondents were fully engaged at work. That’s BEFORE the pandemic. Odds are that statistic hasn’t increased over the last couple of years with all the changes we’ve gone through with respect to what we do, how, when and where we do it. It’s led to that two discouraging phenomena: First is…

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