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M2M Asset Map

Company/University Website Description County(ies) Supported
Pittsburgh Equity Partners https://www.pghpep.com/

Uncover the best new opportunities in the high-growth information technology sector. Industry best practices and a rigorous deal analysis process are then applied across a diverse portfolio of investments to manage risk and drive results

Northside Community Development Fund http://www.nscdfund.org/

facilitates business start-up and expansion, commercial real estate development, and residential real estate development

Kiva https://www.kiva.org/lend?city_state=Pittsburgh,PA

Small business funding needed to grow and create jobs. Kiva Pittsburgh is led by Urban Innovation21

Keiretsu Forum https://www.keiretsuforum.com/

Global investment community of qaccredited private equity angel investors, venture capitalists and corporate/institutional investors. It is a worldwide network of capital, resources, and deal flow

Innovation Works https://www.innovationworks.org/

Introduce, connect, support, and expand the startup and entrepreneurial ecosystem within SW PA