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M2M Asset Map

Company/University Website Description County(ies) Supported
Beaver Area Chamber of Commerce https://www.beaverareachamber.com/

Non-profit committed to helping local businesses. Effort to promote and strengthen our local business community

Avenu https://www.avenu-pgh.org/

Collection of work spaces dedicated to supporting equitable business development in Pittsburgh’s dynamic Fifth/Forbes corridor

Armstrong County Industrial Development Council https://armstrongcounty.com/

It is the lead economic development agency within Armstrong County. They are dedicated to presenting new or expanding businesses with a full range of information to guide their relocation, expansion, or initial location decisions. They help companies identify a site, assist with financing, permitting, workforce, and other startup or relocation requirements

Alle-Kiski Strong Chamber of Commerce http://www.allekiskistrong.com/

Business and community network that brings members together to connect, engage, impact, thrive, and lead with a focus on improvement and growth to the region

Allegheny Conference on Community Development https://www.alleghenyconference.org/

One of the foremost civic leadership organizations. The conference has been bringing together public and private sector leaders. They are improving the economic future and quality of life in the regions around Pittsburgh.
