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M2M Asset Map

Company/University Website Description County(ies) Supported
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh https://www.carnegielibrary.org/services/for-business/entrepreneurs-and-small-businesses

Provide access to leading-edge research resources and quality assistance from experienced business librarians

Cambria Regional Chamber https://www.crchamber.com/

To support and educate our membership, to be the business advocate, and to form partnerships that develop our community

Cambria County Industrial Development Corporation http://www.cambriacountypa.org/

CCIDA is dedicated to meeting local business needs and increasing economic growth.

Butler County Community Development Corporation https://www.butlercountycdc.com/

The CDC is the lead economic development organization in Butler county that proactively creates an environment for private industry to create and retain jobs through our coordination of leaders from local business, municipal, county, and other elected officials and organizations at all levels of government.

Butler Country Chamber of Commerce https://butlercountychamber.com/

Direct member benefits and quality programs and services that stimulate further economic development and encourage a strong networking system among local businesses, governments, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions
