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M2M Asset Map

Company/University Website Description County(ies) Supported
Indiana County Chamber of Commerce https://www.indianacountychamber.us/

Helps businesses grow and prosper

Idea Foundry https://www.ideafoundry.org/

Non-profit economic development oganization dedicated to creating living-wage, high opportunity jobs. We invest in and work alongside entrepreneurs to transform innovative business ideas into viable commercial activities

Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Somerset, Washington, Westmoreland
Greene County Industrial Developments http://gcidc.org/new/

GCIDC has played a key role in the economic development of Greene County. For decades we have been blending a pro-business attitude and a low-cost of doing business with a rich history, abundant natural resources, recreation, educational opportunities, and financial incentives

Greene County Chamber of Commerce https://greenechamber.org/

Support members business needs with the goals of economic, community, and workforce development.

Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce https://greaterpittsburghchamberofcommerce.com/

Advocacy arm of the Allegheny Conference on community development
