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Attract & Retain – A Four-Part HR Best Practices Virtual Series

Are you struggling to attract talent and retain your workforce? Is your company having trouble meeting demand due to a lack of available talent?

We hear your frustration and concerns and that’s why we’ve partnered with Tooling U-SME on a four-part virtual series on HR best practices to help your organization attract and retain skilled employees. Led by Denise Cowburn, a Workforce Development Specialist for Tooling U-SME, this series will cover the current state of attraction and retention for manufacturing companies, best practice on using branding to attract talent, structured onboarding, on-the-job training, and more.

Each virtual session is under 45 minutes. Companies who attend all four sessions will have an opportunity to have a one-on-one discussion with Denise on how to implement these strategies.

Session 1 – Attraction & Retention – July 25th

  • The Current State of Attraction and Retention from Around the Country
  • The Cost of Turnover
  • Discussion/Q&A

Session 2 – Attraction & Branding – August 1st

  • The Importance of Branding to Attract Talent and Where to Find Your Talent
  • Best Practices
  • Discussion/Q&A

Session 3 – Generations & Culture – August 8th

  • The Gen Z and Millennial Workforce
  • Discussion/Q&A

Session 4 – Structured Onboarding & On-the-Job Training – August 15th

  • Keeping Employees Engaged
  • Discussion/Q&A

 Presenter Denise Cowburn, Tooling U-SME

Denise Cowburn is a Workforce Development Specialist for Tooling U-SME. Her experience in manufacturing equips her to implement best practices in workforce development and facilitate workshops across the country to organizations of all sizes. For nearly 90 years, Tooling U-SME has been providing manufacturers with the tools and resources they need to succeed.



Sponsored by

The Attract & Retain four-part webinar series is being cosponsored by members of the Pennsylvania MEP.