< Course Library

Developing Yourself and Others

Course Overview

Development is critical to attracting and retaining talent, driving employee engagement, preparing future leaders, and ultimately ensuring the success of the organization. Clearly, development is just as important to leaders as it is to their direct reports.

In this course learners are introduced to a practical process to guide their own and their direct reports’ development-planning efforts. The outcome is a meaningful development plan that supports the organization’s current and future business needs.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize the role of the leader and the team member in development planning and execution.
  • Recognize the importance of development to the success of individuals, teams, and the organization.
  • Use a three-step process—Assess–Acquire–Apply—to identify strengths and growth areas, plan development actions, and successfully implement development plans.
  • Employ a set of best practices to overcome common development barriers and challenges.
  • Measure the effectiveness of their development efforts so they know they are successful.


Each web-based course is self-paced, and takes approximately 2 hours to complete.