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Smart Factory Virtual Workshop: Leverage IIoT to Create Process Efficiencies and Deliver ROI

As new technology comes down the pipeline, it can be tricky for a busy manufacturing company to know what’s worth their time, how much to invest, and where to begin. Industry 4.0 innovations like Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are gaining traction with manufacturers, and, when properly deployed, can help grow a company’s margin or shift the way they do business. IIoT is helping businesses run their manufacturing operations efficiently, increase product quality and consistency, integrate across the supply chain, and stay competitive in the market. So, how do you evaluate if IIoT could have those benefits for you?

In this end-to-end IoT workshop, you will learn from manufacturing technology experts who will help you assess your company’s IIoT readiness and provide you a deep-dive into the components of an IIoT infrastructure, how peer companies are making use of the technology, and the tasks and steps needed to go from concept to successful IIoT launch.  You will walk away with a foundational plan to do the same at your company.With the information provided in this workshop, along with a demo of specific use cases, you will be able to develop a deeper comprehension of the subject and get the guidance and resources needed to lead an IIoT project at your company.

You should attend if you:

  • are looking at implementing IIoT for your supply chain including manufacturing floor, sourcing, and distribution
  • have some installed machine monitoring/IoT, and are looking for additional ways to see a return on investment by tweaking your IIoT strategy
  • need to turn your reams of unused data into actionable intelligence
  • have heard about the “wonders of IoT” but haven’t figured out what it would actually do for your organization

Who should attend: Manufacturing or maintenance influencer/decision maker.  Procurement manager. Financial executive at a manufacturing organization. Information Technology (IT) director.  If you have MRO, SCM, ERP, TPM or EPM in your title.

Participants will also have access to the contents and resources after the workshop.

Presented in collaboration with Hamiltonian Systems, Inc.