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High-Impact Feedback and Listening

Course Overview

When sharing feedback is part of an organization’s culture, it is an effective business tool that reaches across all levels. In this high-impact feedback and listening course, individual performers learn how to effectively deliver both positive and developmental feedback. They also learn how to be receptive to feedback and to listen to accurately understand the speaker’s intended message. In the workplace, these skills help them to optimize and sustain their own and their coworkers’ performance.

Participants of High-Impact Feedback and Listening will learn how to:

  • Support colleagues’ job performance, growth, and development.
  • Build authentic, trusting relationships with colleagues.
  • More wisely choose opportunities to give and seek feedback.
  • Handle, reduce, or eliminate defensiveness or negative emotions that can occur in a feedback discussion.
  • Help create a culture of teamwork and performance.


Each web-based course is self-paced, and takes approximately 2 hours to complete.