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Teacher Training: Project Based Learning in Pittsburgh, PA

Technological advancements in industry are driving change in the skills needed by students at an exponential speed. This dynamic work environment is driving change in today’s classrooms requiring teachers to have new approaches to delivering content. The old-school model of passively learning facts and reciting them out of context is no longer sufficient to prepare students to survive in today’s world. Solving highly complex problems requires that students have both fundamental skills (reading, writing, and math) and 21st century skills (teamwork, problem solving, research gathering, time management, information synthesizing, utilizing high tech tools). With this combination of skills, students become directors and managers of their learning process, guided and mentored by a skilled teacher. Connections with local industry provide the added relevancy to the curriculum being taught while making valuable connections for future career exploration activities (job shadowing, mentoring, internships, apprenticeships, etc).
Catalyst Connection has partnered with ASSET STEM Education to give teachers the skills needed to prepare students for the current and emerging careers in our region. This two-day workshop on project-based learning (a $500 value) will assist teachers in developing the ability to design and facilitate effective project-based learning for their students. To do this, teachers will examine project-based learning from the perspectives of both education and industry while collaborating with other teachers on implementing strategies.

Teacher Benefits

  • Enhance skills and develop knowledge related to project-based learning
  • Learn new skills used in industry to better manage projects in the classroom including Lean manufacturing and Project Management Institute best practices
  • Better prepare students for careers in manufacturing and other STEM related fields
  • Connection of industry projects to state and national standards
  • Greater “buy-in” on industry connected STEM programs from administration
  • Free book: Project-Based Learning: Differentiating Instruction for the 21st Century, by William N. Bender
  • Tour of a local manufacturing company
  •  Act 48 Hours will be made available
  • Lunch provided at no charge on both workshop days

Other Details

  • Limited availability of 30 teachers
  • Training is for teachers of grades 7-12.
  • Teachers are encouraged to attend with a peer either in a related subject area or from a lower grade level to facilitate on-going conversations and implementation strategies within the school.

Please note:

Day 1 venue is Center for Sustainable Landscapes at Phipps Conservatory, 1 Schenley Park Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Day 2 venue is Catalyst Connection, 2000 Technology Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15219